

弗兰·迪拉德| 2023年5月

用演员武井乔治的话来说, author and LGBTQ+ activist – “We should indeed keep calm in the face of difference and live our lives in a state of 包容 and wonder at the diversity of humanity.” This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of Pride Month, celebrated annually in June in remembrance of the Stonewall riots that took place in New York City in June 1969, 标志着LGBTQ+权利运动的转折点.

Pride Month is not just a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. It holds space to recognize the progress made towards LGBTQ+ equality, raise awareness about the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights and promote acceptance.

当我们庆祝时, it is crucial to reflect on the challenges that the LGBTQ+ community faces and work toward a more inclusive and equitable society 对所有. 在微米, 我们理解LGBTQ+的权利是人权, and it is incumbent on everyone to speak out against discrimination and prejudice. We believe when we create a safe workplace, we accelerate the innovation we need for our business.

微米's theme for 2023 Pride Month is "Pride in Work, Pride at Work.” It celebrates the 公司's dedication to excellence, innovation and 包容. We will host noteworthy events for our employees this month, 包括《沙巴体育结算平台》的虚拟电影放映,” which will be followed by a fireside chat with director Luchina Fisher. Inspired by the film’s depiction of dads who are raising trans youth, we’re striving to facilitate an authentic conversation on topics that are often overlooked, and to create a safe and inclusive space where our team members can connect in conversation that will inspire understanding.

微米 aims to build mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses that are majority-owned by members of the LGBTQ+ community, recognizing the value of diversity and 包容 in driving innovation, 经济增长和社会进步. As a testament to these efforts, 微米 was recently honored as a 由WEConnect International颁发的白金全球冠军, along with Disability:IN and the National LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce. This prestigious distinction acknowledges organizations for achieving the highest percentages of non-U.S. 所有调查参与者的消费差异很大.

We are fully committed to a more just future 对所有 — by championing and advancing fundamental human rights globally and in the communities we call home. Advocating for gender, racial and LGBTQ+ equality is one of our six DEI commitments. 在过去的一年里,美光:

  • 在印度、日本和美国都得到了承认.S. for our performance in indexes that measure inclusive policies and benefits that support LGBTQ+ team members.
  • Collaborated with organizations in Taiwan to launch an LGBTQ+ index.
  • Partnered with the Human Rights Campaign on multiple initiatives.
  • 支持PRIDE+Allies员工资源小组(ERG), facilitating a team member letter-writing campaign endorsing the Respect for Marriage Act.
  • Partnered with the Alliance for Global Inclusion to host and launch Beyond the Rainbow, 只有受邀者才能参加的企业首席信息官论坛, 骄傲/ +同性恋群体的领导者, 盟友, 以及执行发起人. The interactive discussion focused on forging a path for true LGBTQ+ understanding and 包容 in the workplace. We listened to both corporate members and the LGBTQ+ community and brought them together in a positive way that focused on outcomes. Insights shared by our partners at PFLAG National/Straight for Equality emphasized the importance of leveraging data for intentional LGBTQ+ 包容, equipping 盟友 with learning resources and recognizing the critical need to defend progress and advocate for equality.

Building on the inclusive health care and family-building benefits we’ve offered our employees for years, 这个月我们很荣幸地出版了我们的第一本书 + U同性恋群体.S. 福利指南, 与我们的PRIDE+Allies ERG合作, so members of the community and their family members understand our investment in them through our 公司-provided benefits.

Pride Month serves as a reminder of the continued significance of embracing diversity, 倡导LGBTQ+权利并庆祝进步, while acknowledging the work that still remains to be done, 微米’s ongoing commitment is to create a more equitable world where everyone can live authentically.



弗兰迪拉德 is vice president and chief diversity 包容 officer (CDIO) at 微米 Technology. 领导全球多元化项目和员工关系, her focus on unleashing 包容 in the workplace to create breakthrough innovation aligns with 微米's commitment to enriching life 对所有. Fran has over 20 years of executive leadership experience in global diversity enterprise strategy and HR.