

迪·穆尼| 2021年11月

Demonstrating that all 微米 team members are committed to innovation 和 outside-the-box thinking, 我们的 微米给多样性、平等和包容 团队最近组织了一个众包挑战,让我们每个团队的成员 员工资源组 提名和选择最多两个机构获得总额为50美元的资助,来自美光基金会的000美元.

通过ERG拨款挑战, each ERG could support organizations whose work resonated most with its mission 和 the interests of its members. 所选组织的多样性反映了美光丰富所有人生活的意图.

“我们是一家致力于多元化的公司, equality 和 respect for all; 和 我们的 commitment extends beyond 微米’s walls,艾普莉·安曾说, 他是美光公司的首席人事官. “支持ing organizations 和 people in 我们的 local communities through philanthropic efforts is an important part of who we are as a 公司, 我为与我们的工程师们建立新的伙伴关系感到非常自豪.”


The ERG Grants Challenge was inspired by the support 我们的 ERGs gave to organizations responding to community needs during the COVID-19 p和emic in 2020. 在大流行的头几个月, 我们的 ERGs organized matching-gift campaigns to support organizations responding to the p和emic in ways aligned to ERG interests. 我们希望继续这种类型的接触, 但是这种结构每年都可以重复.

所以大于12,700名ERG成员可以包容性地贡献和参与, Giving和DEI通过内部众包平台组织挑战. Members of nine of 微米’s 10 ERGs used the platform to nominate prospective nonprofits to support. 投票选出了最佳提名者, 和 ERG leaders evaluated each nomination 和 nonprofit for alignment to 微米给 pillars of giving 和 the ERG’s strategy, 以及这家非营利组织的工作对美光全球社区的潜在影响. ERG leaders worked with their executive sponsors to select the final one or two nonprofits to receive grants.

我们的第十次也是最新的ERG, 亚太岛民网络(AAPIN), 是在挑战赛期间成立的,当时团队无法使用众包, 成员们仍然抓住机会选择了两个非营利组织来支持.

最终,挑战赛选定了19家非营利组织获得资助. 美光基金会向这些组织共分发了50万美元. The impact will be global, 和 the nonprofits have been enthusiastic about the support received.

“我们非常感谢黑人女孩代码的慷慨支持, 尤其是当选择来自你的员工时,Black Girls CODE的肯尼亚·劳埃德说.



请继续阅读,了解我们的员工支持哪些非营利组织, 我们的ERG提名者就他们选择这些机构的原因发表了意见:

亚裔美国人 & 太平洋岛民网络

  • 亚裔美国媒体中心 ($20,000). “正如我们从5月份(美光)主办的亚太裔媒体座谈会上了解到的那样, 媒体对塑造对亚太裔的看法有着巨大的影响. A donation to CAAM would help address… the deep-rooted narratives about AAPI that have contributed to the current climate of violence 和 anti-Asian sentiment today.”
  • 亚洲移民妇女倡导者 ($30,000). “Low-income AAPI are often overlooked in philanthropy 和 volunteering efforts due to the model minority myth which positions 亚裔美国人s as privileged 和 successful…. A donation to [this organization] will help funnel res我们的ces into an overlooked population in 微米’s Bay Area community.”


  • 黑人女孩守则 ($50,000). “Building up the next-generation of Black girls who code 和 fostering continued education 和 interest in STEM – [it’s] an opportunity to… empower young women of color… to embrace the current tech marketplace as both builders 和 creators.”


  • 新加坡脑瘫联盟 ($25,000). “This organization is visionary” in incorporating advanced technology (virtual reality) to train wheelchairs to respond to their users. “除了增强用户体验, 它们还确保数字包容渗透到社会中的每个人, 包括那些弱势群体.”
  • 全国精神疾病联盟 ($25,000). “The coronavirus has resulted in 和 caused an unprecedented crisis that affects not only 我们的 physical health 和 daily lives, 还有心理健康.美光的赠款将用于支持NAMI的帮助热线,这是一项免费的、全国性的同伴支持服务.”


  • 效果 ($25,000). “效果 helps immigrants from anywhere in the world navigate the immigration 和 justice systems 和 access the social safety net. 我们欣赏他们对我们社区面临的许多问题采取的整体方法.”
  • 爱达荷拉丁裔奖学金基金会 ($25,000). “Idaho LSF seeks to advance Hispanic students from high school through to completion of a college degree 和 empower them with a sense of pride 和 commitment in the future of the Hispanic community in Idaho.”


  • 女孩的日子 ($25,000). “This group is one of the few organizations that is looking at a solution globally for women’s empowerment around cultural taboos 和 women’s menstruation health through sustainable solutions.”
  • 海格新加坡有限公司 ($25,000). 哈格尔不仅致力于帮助被拐卖的受害者, 虐待和性剥削, 他还与执法人员合作,研究如何识别被贩运的受害者.”


  • 微笑永远粉底 ($20,000). “作为一个年轻的专业人士群体, it is important to support the next generations of professionals to come in every way possible. [这个组织]支持各种与儿童教育有关的事业, 基本生活标准和COVID-19救助.”
  • 世界中央厨房 ($30,000). “食物是治愈社区的强大工具. Food should be accessible to everyone in a community—just like how MYP is accessible to anyone who wants to join.”


  • 新加坡穆斯林传教协会(Jamiyah Singapore) ($30,000). “This organization has helped many low-income families [和] serves the social 和 welfare needs of the community regardless of race or faith.”
  • 日本和平风 ($20,000). “马赛克 is committed to giving back to the community regardless of religious affiliation or ethnicity. This charity helps extend that inclusiveness to being an ally for those suffering all over Asia, a continent that often suffers from many natural disasters 和 has many people living in poverty.


  • 台湾同志热线协会 ($25,000). “We hope to support [this organization] in hiring a full-time worker to support local LGBTQ+ telephone consulting 和 family services 和 improve their equipment 和 software needs.”
  • 社区中心 ($25,000). “This is the only place in Idaho where you can walk in off the street 和 find LGBTQ+ res我们的ces, 支援团体及社区.”


  • 开花种子有限公司 ($30,000). “Our donation will support this organization’s operating costs to provide a safety net… 和 support/care for the needy seniors in the community.”
  • La Loc和a Di Emmaus ($20,000). “This organization helps children who live in very difficult conditions… providing hope 和, 最重要的是, 机会换机会, 第二次机会.”


  • 海王星的战士 ($15,000). “退伍军人有一些独特的问题,有时很难解决. 海王星的战士 has found a way to help transitioning service members 和 multigenerational veterans with a wide array of experiences deal with seen 和 unseen wounds through scuba diving.”
  • 侍奉我们的勇士 ($35,000). “在过去的四年里,马纳萨斯网站一直在赞助和支持‘自愿勇士’. Their team has inspired 我们的 team members to actively participate as volunteers 和 riders at their annual bike ride charity event.”



作为美光基金会的执行董事, 迪莫涅 leads the 微米给 program that encompasses the philanthropic efforts for 微米 和 the 微米 Foundation. Through the 微米给 program 我们的 公司 和 我们的 微米 team members create positive social impact in 我们的 world. 为此,我们为代表性不足的人口创造公平的机会, 丰富我们的社区生态系统,增加接受STEM教育的机会.